Saturday, March 10, 2012

Penile Papules And Stds

There is a definite difference in pearly penile papules and STDs. Most will be quite shocked to learn that having a papule can mean a number of different things, and it doesn?t always mean that a man is infected with a disease that can be spread by sexual contact. Many times, a man with a growth on his penis may actually have a benign condition that didn?t result from a contagious illness.
A penile papule that is not the result of an infection may be caused by a skin issue known as pearly penile papules. Men who have this condition will display raised bumps around the head of the penis. Because the etiology of this skin condition is mostly unknown, many sexual partners may be confused as to why a growth may be present on the penis. To understand why these growths occur, it is necessary to understand the difference between STDs and a penile papule.
Persons who have an STD have picked up an infectious organism from a sexual encounter with a partner that contracted the disease. Many STDs can cause additional health concerns, so it is necessary to find out which particular STD it is that has been contracted. STDs can be caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites and can quite easily be passed to a partner through sexual contact. This is where the difference lies between STDs and papules.
Papules occur when the skin around the head of the penis starts to grow continuously to the point where small, raised areas are present all around the circumference of the penis. When several of these growths become visible, many men will seek the assistance of a medical care provider. Once these growths are tested and observed by a doctor, it is discovered that they are not the result of an STD, but the product of the pearly penile papule skin disorder.
Having the disorder does not mean that the man will develop any other health concerns like those of people that have untreated STDs. The main concern with papules is purely aesthetic. Many men who have the disorder are not concerned and go on to have very happy and satisfying sex lives.
For men that are very concerned that their penile growths are causing issues with their sexual encounters, making an appointment with a physician can help to calm their concerns. There are treatment options available that will effectively remove the lesions, but there is still a chance that the growths will return. This can be discussed with the doctor.

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