Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Diet To Cure Eczema ? Six Super Foods That Cure Eczema

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EczemaEczema is one of the most common skin-related disorders, generally characterized by blisters on the skin, with itchy and scaly rashes. It can affect anyone but children are more vulnerable to this disease. Genetic and hereditary factors, though, also play a key role. Those with a family history of allergic conditions like hay fever or asthma are at a higher risk of developing eczema.

If you are affected with this condition, you should avoid exposure to allergens and irritants in the environment because such things can aggravate eczema symptoms. Following is a brief rundown on six super foods that cure eczema.

Foods To Cure Eczema

Wild Blue-Green Algae

Wild blue-green algae contain powerful harmonizing properties that can be very beneficial for those suffering from eczema. It strengthens immune system and acts as an excellent blood builder. It also helps in food absorption by providing your body with thousands of liver-active enzymes. At the same time, the high amount of vitamin B present in this food promotes healthy red blood cells. All these features eventually help in relieving the itchiness and inflammation caused by eczema. The combined effects of all these properties accelerate the healing process.


Flaxseeds contain a powerful natural body lubricant. They also provide your body with essential fatty acids (both omega 6 and omega 3). Flaxseeds are one of the best foods that not only promote clear skin but also help in maintaining a good health.


It alleviates inflammation in the body, including the one caused by eczema. It helps in building new tissues and speeds up the healing process. If you want to treat eczema faster, you must consider eating flaxseeds daily. The best way is to sprinkle the seeds in your salad.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that can be very effective in reducing inflammation and repairing the skin damages caused by eczema.

Various Forms Of Sprouts

The best forms of sprouts that can be very helpful in healing eczema include mustard, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin seeds and alfalfa sprouts. All these are wonderful foods for enhancing, strengthening, regenerating, revitalizing and improving eczema skin almost immediately.

Pumpking Seeds

The alkaline environment that these sprouts create in the body helps in relieving the itchiness, scaly rashes and inflammation caused by eczema. Eczema patients are often advised to eat these sprouts raw for maximum benefits.

Also Read

Home Remedies for Eczema
Eczema and herbal cure

Salmon And Other Omega 3?s

Salmon and other foods containing high amount of omega-3 fatty acids are also very effective in staving off the eczema condition. Eating these foods prevents inflammation and helps your body to grow new skin. At the same time, it also strengthens your body?s ability to fight allergens more efficiently.

Yogurt With Live Creatures

Fermented foods like Kefir and yogurts with live creatures contain beneficial bacteria which promote the production of certain antibodies and white blood cells in the body. Such foods also act as anti-inflammatory agents. At the same time, they improve your immune system as well. All these properties, when combined, prevent your body from over-reacting to allergens. Therefore, eating yogurts with live creatures daily can also be a great way to win your battle against eczema.

Last, but not the least, knowing which foods can trigger eczema is also important. Your foods-to-avoid list must include food preservatives, oranges, corn, chocolates, eggs, soybeans, peanuts, shellfish, wheat and cow?s milk.

Six Super Foods That Cure Eczema, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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